Everything You Need To Know About Joining The Liberty Bell Chapter
Why Join the Liberty Bell Chapter?
The Liberty Bell Chapter
of the
West Virginia University Alumni Association
Wants You!
Calling all Mountaineers, family, and friends! The Liberty Bell Chapter of the WVU Alumni Association is beginning a new membership drive, with the goal of bringing more members back into the fold. Won't you join us? Just use the attached membership form to sign up! (If you're already a member, you can use the form to update your information.)
Who Can Join?
Membership is open to alumni of West Virginia University, their families and friends.
How Much Does Membership Cost?
Liberty Bell Chapter dues are only $15.00 per year for an individual membership or $25.00 for a joint membership.
What Do My Dues Pay For?
Your dues help offset the costs of operating the local chapter. These costs include tax filing, web hosting, advertising, mailing, and other essential administration. Your dues will also help the chapter produce events including game watching parties, social functions and scholarship fundraisers.
Remember, the chapter is run entirely by volunteers like you. No member receives any payment for work on behalf of the Liberty Bell Chapter.
Why Should I Join?
Your local alumni chapter will help you keep the Mountaineer spirit alive, extending the WVU community right to your doorstep, wherever you are. Alumni chapters sponsor social events, help raise scholarship funds, support Mountaineer sports, assist new graduates and recruit new students. A strong network of alumni is an essential part of every university.
2012-2013 Liberty Bell Membership Form
Member 1
Name ___________________________________
E-mail address ___________________________
Mailing address___________________________
Home telephone number (including area code)__________________________________
Work telephone number (including area code___________________________________
Graduating class and degree ____________________
Post-graduate class and degree __________________
Occupation and employer _______________________
Spouse (if not a joint member) ___________________
Children (names and dates of birth) ___________________
Member 2 (if joint membership)
Name _______________________________
E-mail address _______________________
Work telephone number (including area code) _____________
Graduating class and degree ____________________________
Post-graduate Class and degree __________________________
Occupation and employer _______________________________
I am interested in:
__ Assisting with recruiting new students
__ Annual golf outing committee
__ Membership committee
__ Chapter social functions
__ Assisting local alumni with job searches
__ Scholarship committee
Other (all ideas welcome) _____________________________
Total amount enclosed:
$_________* Check # ________ Date __________
*Individual membership is $15.00/year. Joint is $25.00/year.
2 year $ 25 ind $40 joint
5 year $60 ind $100 joint
RECESSION SPECIAL!!!! only for 2011-12 Lifetime $100 ind $150 joint
Please make checks payable to “Liberty Bell Chapter – WVU Alumni Association.” Please mail completed forms
and checks to the Liberty Bell Chapter Membership.
Where to mail forms will be updated shortly!